
A blog for friends across the States... because regular email doesn't seem to always work! :)

Monday, June 07, 2004

Renamed (because I am paranoid)

... with all of the D-Day commemerations, I had a thought: how do they handle gay men with the draft? If a draft were instated today, would dropping the g-bomb and declaring yourself gay keep you from overseas service? How would they verify that one's orientation was, in fact, gay? Do you think, should the draft be reinstituted during our lifetimes (God forbid), that pretending to be gay would be the new Canada? Or do you think that it would finally make the armed services wise up and accept (openly) homosexuals within their ranks? What are your thoughts?


  • At June 9, 2004 at 7:24 PM, Blogger Pete said…

    please refer to "In the Army Now", a magnificant film staring Polly Shore

  • At June 10, 2004 at 1:44 PM, Blogger Bird said…

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  • At June 11, 2004 at 12:04 AM, Blogger Jace Mace said…

    whoa...i can see that you are paranoid. you deleted the entire reason for your post.

    Are you afraid that Ms. F has hired the crackshot investigator Jack Palminerri to track down and eliminate any resistance to her impending marriage? Because if she has, you better start running. He will travel to any length to secure his quarry. Although if you're willing to pay more than Ms. F, I'm sure *you* could retain his services and assistance in disrupting this most unsuitable of engagements...

  • At June 11, 2004 at 9:33 AM, Blogger Bird said…

    Jason, you have the singular ability to make me laugh out loud ("lol" to you digitals) at the computer! EVERY time! You are *so* wonderfully hilarious! You have this incredible ability to idenitfy an issue in need of hilarity, dig through the archives and utlize an allusion that is funny on its own merits, and the seemlessly apply it to the present, ostensibly-unrelated situation at hand. You are so [expletive]ing whitty, Jason! Seriously! Full Frontal is going to be kickin' their sorry [expletive]es when you headline SNL!! :)

    I had (temporarily) allowed myself to forget about Mr. Pulmonary (I prefer the Anglo spelling). I had allowed myself the ridiculous delusion that I was beyond his kin... thank you for reminding me that Jack can find me anywhere!

    So funny, Jason, SO funny! :)

  • At June 11, 2004 at 4:39 PM, Blogger Bird said…

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