W(hy)TF couldn't Jason come to Canada last year; not once, but twice
Point being, last night, I was looking for a little humor because it was a long night with a whole bunch of exchange students, and we all know I love exchange stuents, so I was looking for some fun, and, as usual, it came at Bird's expense. Jason, being himself, was trying to "drive a wedge between us!" and I wont let him. I feel that Spanish, ehum, Espanol is going to be the driving force keeping us together; Jason will have no idea what we are talking about. Y tu Mama tambien!
If you passed up a chance at some Kamschaka last night, take the penalty!
At May 16, 2004 at 10:22 PM,
Jace Mace said…
1. Peter, it was a joke.
2. Yo hablo espanol.
3. If Bertie ever tried to speak to you in Spanish to hide what she was saying [even though it would fail], she would be a total hypocrite!
At May 17, 2004 at 8:06 AM,
Bird said…
Hola, amigos! (that means "hello, male friends", Jason)
Peter, your post confuses me-- are you being sarcastic or serious when you say that you "love" exchange students. My own inclination would be to assume that you for real l-o-v-e exchange students, but your post made it sound like you were bored or annoyed... am I reading this wrong? Bring me up to speed...
It makes me happy (read: not happy) that when I am 500+ miles away, I still give you something to laugh at... sadness... but at least it is a good indicator that everything is back to normal (you know, after the big Middle eastern crisis of `04... not between the US and Iraq, I mean the one between Peter and Bertie!!) And Jason, thanks for starting sh*t... Jean is right- you are TOTALLY driving a wedge between Peter and me! ;)
What time is it?! I can't figure out if my computer is configured for east or central time... it reads "8:02 am", but I feel that is IMPOSSIBLE because I already feel like I have been here for HOURS, and that would mean only mintues (about thirty of them...).
Just for the record, in case you would ever be stupid enough to even consider it for even a milla-second, DO NOT GET YOUR PHD. It BLOWS!! All summer locked in my Dad's office studying. Today, life sucks.
El Ave
ps Er, Pete, if you are going to continue to feign knowledge of spanish, ehum, espanol, you might want to work on your spelling a bit... the word is "tambien", not "tampien". FYI. ;)
At May 17, 2004 at 8:10 AM,
Bird said…
One additional thought:
This is going to seem really ignorant and, well, it is... but I am just going to suck it up and ask anyway... what is "Kamschaka", Pete? My contextual understanding of the word leads me to believe it is either booty or alcohol, but I am not exactly sure which (but, though both vices, understanding which, in fact, it is will help me to have a better idea what your Saturday night was like... and how much you "love" exchange students!! ;).
At May 17, 2004 at 11:02 AM,
Jace Mace said…
At May 17, 2004 at 3:45 PM,
Pete said…
1. I hate exchange students
2. It's alcohol
3. If you've driven a wedge in the last week, take the penalty
At May 18, 2004 at 8:38 AM,
Bird said…
How can you hate exchange students? You *were* one! That seems a little, well, hipocritical... explicame.
At May 19, 2004 at 2:24 PM,
Pete said…
i HATE exchange students as a rule
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