
A blog for friends across the States... because regular email doesn't seem to always work! :)

Saturday, May 15, 2004

The elusive email

Here's the email, Jason-- crazy that we couldn't get it to go through earlier... sadness!!

-----Original Message-----
From: Burns, Roberta R
Sent: Thu 5/13/2004 10:48 AM
To: Wallace, Jason A
Subject: THANK YOU!!

Thanks, friend, for all of your help in packing, moving, and just lovin' in general! You rock, friend!! Your mix carried me all the way home-- it is WONDERFUL ("brushetta", it seems, is an intentionally ironic name for such a splendiforous collection of songs!! :)!!

I miss you, friend! It is nice to be home, but SO lonely without my friend Jason!! Sadness!! I hope, though, that this email is read from your new room in Foster and finds you happy and starting to enjoy the beautiful summer! :)

Please visit. Seriously. I miss you. It is only 8.5 hours to the Buff (though I won't lie-- it is THE most boring drive EVER!!).

Next weekend I get to move all over again-- my sister Carol! ICK!

Write and CALL when you get the chance (716-662-2079). I am going to be pretty bored this weekend (even my parents are going out of town, so it really is just me...). Starting on Monday, I will be at my Dad's office all day, every day. 1-800-832-3303, then press 6... I don't have an official extension yet-- forthcoming. But still... Call. Often.

Send me your digits in Harper when you have them.

I love you, friend! Take care!



  • At May 15, 2004 at 11:44 AM, Blogger Jace Mace said…

    "Thanks, friend, for all of your...luvin' in general"

    Yes, I took some editorial liberties, but I thought it made it funny. If only the rest of Hillcrest [including Shannon] could read this...and see you walking over to A3 in your pjrams. [if you're still bitching about shannon even after she's graduated, take the penalty]

    Yay! I'm so glad we got this set up. It's like LJ, but not indie and pretentious! And I love the colour. PINK! You should dye your hair pink sometime. Or not. And we should invite jean and peter. or not, since we know he won't ever participate. :-P

    A'ight, friend, Diablo is calling my name!

    Talk to you soon!

  • At May 15, 2004 at 11:48 AM, Blogger Bird said…

    The editorial liberities really added something (as did the self-proclaimed penalty-- you have the unique ability to make me laugh out loud while sitting at the computer!!). I am inviting Jean and Peter-- hopefully they will find this fun, too! :)

    Take care!


  • At May 15, 2004 at 11:52 AM, Blogger Bird said…

    Hey, Jason! I already posted one comment to your comment, but I am not sure that it went through.. so I am trying again (I apologize if this is redundant! ;).

    I am sending an email to both Jean and Peter, inviting them to join our fun scam spot (though, let's be honest, we will be lucky if we hear from Jean... and you are right-- Peter will never read this!). Still, it is the thought that counts!! :)

    I loved your blog edit, by the by-- along with the self-inflicted penalty!! You have the singular ability to make me laugh out loud while sitting at the computer!! You're the best, Jason!

    Take care, friend! Talk with you soon! Check scam often!



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