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Wednesday, May 19, 2004


So...I'm watching The West Wing...just by random chance...I flipped around after Seinfeld reruns. This show is fucking ridiculous

1. Donna is in a German hospital on morphene after being shot.

2. Josh is having a clandestine meeting with some Palistinian terrorist leader in a German restaurant. [He's in Germany because he's THIS CLOSE to telling her he loves her.]

3. Toby and Charlie are teaching President Bartlet to throw a baseball, because he has to throw the first pitch at some game...and he might be the target of an assasination attempt.

I could continue, but why bother...

On a happier note, Leo is backing Israel's strike against Palestinians in Gaza. But Bartlet disagrees.

And C.J.'s standing in the background, doing nothing.

OMG-Donna is in surgery. She's got pulmonary embolism. Peter can tell us what that is. [Bertie, just pretend that we don't know...]

AHHHH! Bertie! This is so crappy, and yet so monumental! Why did Aaron have to leave us?! And why did they show have to get so bad!? I can't decide if I'm mad that we haven't been watching it...or if I'm glad because it's so trite and melodramatic. Could they possibly come up with any other season finale twists?

Goddamn--I wish they would just suck it up and kill Zoe.


  • At May 20, 2004 at 6:56 AM, Blogger Bird said…

    Yeah, I have to say that you made a bad decision there in watching that show posing as the real "West Wing". As I told my father in the car today (because he was disappointed I refused to watch it with he and my Mom), I won't recognize any of the episodes that have aired without Aaron Sorkin's supervision; as the U.S. is to Taiwan, so is Bertie to John Well's leadership on WW.

    Could they please just have ONE season end in which someone is not either shot or killed (and I am still mad about Mrs. Landingham!!)?!!! Ridiculous!!

    My parents actually still like the show. My Dad's reaction to last night's dramarama thriller was "not bad". Isn't it sad when you get to that age where you realize you have more taste than your parents? I guess, though, that I had that epipheny quite awhile ago, since my mother expressed a baffling affinity for Van Dam movies (and that is VERY embarrassing to write!).

    In other news... Jason, are we still on for June 1 moving? I need to call and cancel with the movers if we are... but if you want out, I totally understand (*I* want out!! ;). Hey, Peter, want to spend the morning of your 21st helping me move?!! (do you like how I did that, Jason?!! -- how I am keeping up the charade that Peter is actually going to be in the Hole at all on his bday?!! I'm funny today!) We'll work out compensation later, but there will definetely be heaps of gratitude involved, don't you worry!! (and plenty of alcohol, too!! ;)

    I have been reading about the EU all week (and that is the fun I have before me today). Just for the record: NATO blows.

  • At May 20, 2004 at 4:22 PM, Blogger Bird said…

    Jason, check this out! It is a forum for people who feel EXACTLY like us!! Go to this site and then click on the forum "what kind of season has it been?". God, I hope Wells (and the NBC executives) hear what everyone is saying... change needs to occur-- SOON!!


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