
A blog for friends across the States... because regular email doesn't seem to always work! :)

Friday, July 30, 2004

By the by


I think my new hair is kind of indy (not "Indy" with a capital "I"!)... I have dark, almost black streaks in it now and it is VERY layered... and the bangs are kind of thick and chunky. 

Jean, I think I could really pull off an indy makeover this time!  Darker eye make-up, the right thrift store clothes, a pair of appropriately urban tenny-pumps (but not "Urban", with a capital "U", because shopping there is so urbane, right Jason?!), a "don't talk to me, I am deep and thinking" attitude, and I think I could go to one of those indy shows and be believable!  I think the pineapple colored hair was the problem... this new hair might be the trick!!

Ohmygoodness, am I tired of having to buy new clothes to match my latest hair dilemanade.  First, I needed crazy clothes to match the wildness- and volume!- of the perm (and, friends, please note that the May issue of Elle contains a three page article about how the wave is TOTALLY in... I was just too cutting edge, it seems!  Ahead of the "curve"!  --> I'm funny today!).  Then, I needed to sport more subdued clothes and colors to down play the pineappleness of the doo.  Now, I only wearing skirts because my hair is SO blessed short (a good two inches shorter than it was over the 4th), that I don't want to be confused for a boy... again (oh, sadness!).  Wonder what next month's cut will hold for me fashion-wise?!!! :)

I guess our hair really is our most important accessory...

... or not important at all.  I can't believe I just rambled for FOUR paragraphs about my hair!!  What the hell is my problem?!!  Yes, I am DEFINETELY procrastinating my work....

... but, on that note, I better sign off!  


ps   Don't forget to say "Rabbit, rabbit" first thing when you wake on Sunday so that you will have good luck all month! :) 

Monday, July 26, 2004


HI! So...Is anyone else going completely crazy? YEAH, me neither, until now!


It just started today. and by today i mean the past weekend. but i wasn't really with it enough to figure itout.  i haven't been sleeping, and when i do, i wake up at 4 in the morning fighting with my pillows and sheets. my sheets usually win.


i just want to go away. no school please

you aim too, please.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

wtf is going on!?!?!

sooo... is everyone leaving at collins? jason, are we missing something?; do we need to jump on the bandwagon before we are the only ones who don't realize that jim beason is taking the tops of the muffins over to mcnutt!? anyway, i have found a brighter side to the change of scenery (I KNOW I CAN'T SPELL!!!)... our (hi(gh)) friend bertie has now loyalty nada mucho (that is spanish jason) to anyone at collins!!! ergo proctor hoch post ad cogito ergo sum hoch bertie can get wasted (again) in casa del caliente! with out the side effect i like to call christianity (or should i say catholianity?)  on another note... i have nothing done for welcome week; i am though on a good streak of fibs.  ps, who is on this blog?  anyway that is it from me for now. i had a feeling there was an inside joke going around about how i haven't talked to you (plural; i refuse to use other forms such as you'all or ya'll or ya'lls) so i thought i'd drop a line.  i hope this has caused bertie atleast to smirk aloud at work.  that brings me to something else; at first i thought bertie might be the last person on earth to actually email someone a news article; this assumtion was proved wrong earlie last semester; but i was interested to be email an article from sis carol; i am moved to brought into such a friend circle; i'd better update my friendster profile.

if you actually read every word of this labalabalaba - take the penalty
if you don't respond - take double
if you voulenteered to co-coordinate welcome week - take tripple!

Friday, July 16, 2004

I hate school

a lot.