
A blog for friends across the States... because regular email doesn't seem to always work! :)

Friday, May 20, 2005

Alcohol Aynomous releases new self-evaluatory survey

Hey, friends! Check out the new questions one should ask herself to determine how advanced her alcoholism is! Scary! Apparently you can email your survey answers to a current addict to determine how far gone you are:

1. Will you be here for the entire 2005-06 school year?
2. How often did you attend Brew Crew events this past school year?
3. How often do you plan to go out next school year?
4. Will you be living in close proximity to the bars in the fall?
5. Will you be in school in the fall/spring?
6. What makes you a good candidate for Brew Crew Captain?
7. Are you in Bloomington this summer?



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