Shuffle off to Buffalo!
with so many fun people coming to see me, it feels like it is *my* birthday, not the USA's!!! Woohoo!!! I am SUPER excited to see all of you guys (and very grateful, Peter, that for my "birthday" you have decided to give the gift of sanity and have stepped back from your idea ridiculosa [that means "ridiculous idea", Jason] concerning driving all the way to Buffalo and back for a cup of coffee and a Tim Horton's donut! :). You Indiana folk will have to plan a fun adventure for yourselves in the Hole so that I can feel bad (and, therefore, better) about being effusive on the blogger about this weekend, knowing that our poor friend Pete has to work... but just look at it this way, Peter-- you are going to make more money this weekend than we will! :)
Woohoo!!! Tomorrow is like Friday for all of you-- the last day you have to work this week!! And then you drive! And then you are in Buffalo! And then we celebrate!! Woohoo, indeed! :)
YAY!!! I am *so* excited about this!!! WONDERFUL!!!